52 years of independence is a hell great thing to appreciate, looking at the struggles of the late Tunku Abdul Rahman and his muhibah geng on the quest to UK to gain independence is something we should not forget. Though we don't exist at that time, the least we can do is to appreciate....and I'm proud to say that...
why is patriotism dwindling over the years?
is it because of people or the country???
hmmmm.....ask yourself these questions and determine whether you are patriotic or not...
1. Did you remember the last time you said 'Malaysia Boleh'?
2. Did you hang/stick national flag in your house/car/etc ?
3. Can you remember what are all the four colours of the Malaysia flag represents?
4. Do you remember/can you sing any of the merdeka song completely?
5. Have you attended a merdeka parade before?
if you have:
1 yes : u r ok to be Malaysian
2 yeses : u r happy to be Malaysian
3 yeses : u r blessed to be Malaysian
4 yeses : u r proud to be Malaysian
5 yeses : u r MEANT to be Malaysian!
0 yeses : u r ........ to be Malaysian
(i don't dare to fill in the blanks....u fill in la...)
so what does my so-called equation actually means???
well, I'm sure the British would not have granted independence if they did not witnessed the three most important aspect of it:
a) unity among the three races
b) all three races are harmonious among themselves
c) everyone is in peace with the country
these 3 aspects exist in year 1957 which results in independence we got till today...
What makes MERDEKA! more meaningful?
peace, harmony and unity must be upheld not only in year 1957 but stretched till today(that's why I multiply all three to 52) which gives a true and synonymous meaning to the word MERDEKA!
Malaysian Pilot Requirements and Itineraries
5 years ago
Hey akka...
Didnt tell me u had a blog...
Watlah u...forgotten me is it...
U know i got blog rite....
why didnt leave comment or tell me...
i very sad now!!!
Well said........(about merdeka)
no la erik i tot i told u redy..sorry la akka ...but i cannot send u comment la.....got some error...next time i send u la....
and haansel...thx for commenting :)
PS: comin raya we have gathering ok??
hey follow my blog yeah...
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